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Bearded Gentlemen Music

Bearded Gentlemen Music

Bearded Gentlemen Music is a website dedicated to covering new music and connecting listeners to new bands. This has probably been my favorite project to work on because B.G.M. is all about having fun and enjoying music. I am a huge music nerd and spend a lot of my time seeking new and old music that I haven’t heard of.

B.G.M. has been built from the ground up. All web design, content design, logo design, and social media presence has been handled solely by me. Since the inception of B.G.M., the website and has grown a big following. With thousands of followers on social media, over 2,000 articles, 40 writers based in the U.S., Canada, U.K., and Europe, and has amassed over a million website hits.

B.G.M. is a labor of love and does not make money. They do not run ads and they don’t pay their writers. The people that participate in this project do it because they love music, love sharing new music, and love the camaraderie that comes along with being part of the B.G.M. family.

Visit Bearded Gentlemen Music’s Website
