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Footsteps For Fertility

Footsteps For Fertility

Footsteps For Fretility is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting infertility awareness and educating couples about how to get grants and affordable treatment options for in vitro fertilization, frozen embryo transfers, and intrauterine insemination. They raise money by holding 5k races where all the money and donations are given to couples diagnosed with infertility.

Being a part of this project has been really rewarding. I was brought into the FFF project after the initial design had already been established. The members of FFF had built the site themselves but needed a little more expertise in regards to getting the website exactly how they wanted it, as well as adding some additional features, and SEO. Coming into a project or website after the initial design can sometimes be challenging, but I always enjoy the opportunity to help companies out and help them realize the full potential of what a custom website is capable of.

Footsteps For Fertility’s Website

